Bad blood: Boko Haram's split

rumours of ructions within the Nigerian Islamist group were confirmed
when Islamic State—to which the group has pledged allegiance—named Abu
Musab al-Barnawi as Boko Haram’s new leader this month. Now, the
government faces a changing conflict. Humanitarian agencies have flooded
the north-east as the Islamists retreat; diplomats fret that Mr
al-Barnawi plans headline-grabbing attacks on foreign workers. Meanwhile
Abubakar Shekau, his deposed predecessor, has refused to cede control,
promising a wave of attacks throughout the world. This is fighting talk:
in reality the jihadists are on the back foot. Many of those loyal to
Mr Shekau are surrounded by armed forces in the scrubby Sambisa forest,
and Mr al-Barnawi’s group has expended energy in attacks around Lake
Chad. Both sides need food, ammunition and fighters; fellow jihadists in
the Middle East can do little to help. Will the two groups focus on
fighting each other, or trying to outdo each other with new attacks?
IBADAN, the Oyo State
capital, has of late been in the news for not very good reasons. In what
could easily pass as a scene from a horror film, a slave camp was
discovered in the heart of the city.
Soka-ForensicThis camp where unspeakable horrors have been committed
apparently combined the functions of a shrine with that of a home or a
transit camp where captives were randomly raped and offered up for
rituals after vital organs have been taken out of their body.
The Ibadan camp of horror brings under one roof the cannibal practice of
Clifford Orji and the blood-chilling sacrifices and oath-taking of
Okija. Like Orji’s one-man practice, the site was located in a city but
like the Okija shrine, the camp was enveloped in a wilderness of sort,
not far from a busy expressway in a well populated area.
Which makes it all so unbelievable that such a camp could have been
operated even for a day without inhabitants of the area knowing. But
then locating their evil camp close to a built-up area could have been a
strategy to evade detection. Who would have imagined that some people
could have been so brazen as to run a slave camp literally under the
nose of other city dwellers?
The culture of impunity that has permeated every aspect of the Nigerian
society would remain with us for a long time to come. Politicians and
other state officials are merciless in their looting of the treasury.
They amass wealth without fear of discovery even as their ostentatious
and extravagant lifestyle seems to mock the relevance of the many
anti-corruption agencies that populate our country, daring them to
discover the source of their stolen wealth if they could.
Armed robbers are no less brazen: they serve their victims advanced
notice of their visit and take their time to rob as freely as they could
and rape as many as suits their fancy. And the ritual killers? They
pick their victims in broad daylight, push them into vehicles and carry
them away in the presence of eager onlookers without anyone asking
Since certain categories of Nigerians such as security men are thought
to be above the law, they can do as they please in public. They can
arrest or shoot other citizens at will. Ritualists disguised as law
enforcers have now obviously bought into this trick and now carry people
into slavery and keep them for months or years without anyone being
wiser. This was how some found themselves at the Ibadan slave camp.
For many years, Ibadan appeared to live up to its reputation and origin
as a former war camp. It was volatile and violence-prone. Even as the
regional capital of western Nigeria, violence was not far from Ibadan.
But it was a relatively peaceful place, a melting pot of various Yoruba
groups as well as Nigerians from other parts of the country. When
politicians have allowed it, Ibadan has been quiet.
But the sprawling nature of Ibadan with its huge population of
uneducated youths made it a favourite recruitment spot for politicians
interested in disrupting the peace of the city that combines modernity
with unbelievable rusticity in many parts. There is much truth in the
claim that politicians have a lot to answer for in the volatility of
Ibadan. They align themselves with local chieftains, leaders of the
union of road workers, commercial drivers, who turn their supporters
into ready armies to prosecute the political battles of rival
This group of Ibadan people has enjoyed neither the support nor
patronage of the present governor, Abiola Ajimobi. At least there is
nothing to suggest that. They have been cleared off from their favourite
sites and some of their leaders have been fugitives from the law. For
this reason Ibadan has been at peace. There haven’t been cases of brutal
attacks on rival groups of transport workers and the impunity of touts
running motor parks like their personal estate has stopped.
Things are more organized around and inside the parks and traffic flow
is relatively freer than in the immediate past. But it does appear that
criminals in Ibadan have turned there attention to less obvious
activities. Or it is the people that have not been as vigilant as they
ought to? The slave camp operators have been running their criminal
business for long, it seems.
And but for the inadvertent discovery of their hideout by commercial
bike riders out looking for one of their missing members, the people of
Ibadan couldn’t have been wiser to the abominable activities going on
right under their eyes.
Since the discovery of this camp, there have been more cases of
individuals apprehended with human body parts in different parts of
Ibadan. Some of these traders in human merchandise go about their
business under the pretext of being mentally unbalanced. Which leaves
one wondering what people wouldn’t do just to get by.
Our failure to examine certain aspects of our lives has left loopholes
for criminals to exploit. But for the culture that allows mental
patients to roam around unattended to, some people wouldn’t find it easy
to hide under the cover of madness to commit crimes. When citizens fail
to be alert to their surroundings they invite unspeakable evil upon
But it is worse when political leaders, state officials and others with
important responsibilities to the community, fail in their duties. They
create room for all kinds of criminalities.
Life doesn’t appear to have been cheaper at anytime than now in Nigeria.
Everywhere you turn, everyday, human lives are being wasted without
While the rest of the world have in the last four weeks been wondering
what happened to 239 people aboard a missing Malaysian airline, far more
Nigerians are killed in just a single day. To live in Nigeria has
become a very brutal and nasty experience.
Terrorists widen the latitude of their operations and kill hundreds
across different parts of the north-east, they break jails, set their
comrades free and launch attacks on military formations even after
issuing advance notice of their plan. Fulani herdsmen have been going
around, not with their prodding staff and cattle, but AK 47, explosive
devices and weapons of mass death, sacking villages, maiming and killing
hundreds in their sleep.
Job seekers are crushed to death, government houses and governors’
convoys are not secure- all are open targets.
Now the authorities must quit sitting on their hands and be about their
duties. Nobody is safe anymore. This should tell us all we have to be
vigilant. As for those who think they are safe because they are in
government, the spate of attacks on government houses or places close to
them should tell them we are all in the same boat.
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IBADAN, the Oyo State
capital, has of late been in the news for not very good reasons. In what
could easily pass as a scene from a horror film, a slave camp was
discovered in the heart of the city.
Soka-ForensicThis camp where unspeakable horrors have been committed
apparently combined the functions of a shrine with that of a home or a
transit camp where captives were randomly raped and offered up for
rituals after vital organs have been taken out of their body.
The Ibadan camp of horror brings under one roof the cannibal practice of
Clifford Orji and the blood-chilling sacrifices and oath-taking of
Okija. Like Orji’s one-man practice, the site was located in a city but
like the Okija shrine, the camp was enveloped in a wilderness of sort,
not far from a busy expressway in a well populated area.
Which makes it all so unbelievable that such a camp could have been
operated even for a day without inhabitants of the area knowing. But
then locating their evil camp close to a built-up area could have been a
strategy to evade detection. Who would have imagined that some people
could have been so brazen as to run a slave camp literally under the
nose of other city dwellers?
The culture of impunity that has permeated every aspect of the Nigerian
society would remain with us for a long time to come. Politicians and
other state officials are merciless in their looting of the treasury.
They amass wealth without fear of discovery even as their ostentatious
and extravagant lifestyle seems to mock the relevance of the many
anti-corruption agencies that populate our country, daring them to
discover the source of their stolen wealth if they could.
Armed robbers are no less brazen: they serve their victims advanced
notice of their visit and take their time to rob as freely as they could
and rape as many as suits their fancy. And the ritual killers? They
pick their victims in broad daylight, push them into vehicles and carry
them away in the presence of eager onlookers without anyone asking
Since certain categories of Nigerians such as security men are thought
to be above the law, they can do as they please in public. They can
arrest or shoot other citizens at will. Ritualists disguised as law
enforcers have now obviously bought into this trick and now carry people
into slavery and keep them for months or years without anyone being
wiser. This was how some found themselves at the Ibadan slave camp.
For many years, Ibadan appeared to live up to its reputation and origin
as a former war camp. It was volatile and violence-prone. Even as the
regional capital of western Nigeria, violence was not far from Ibadan.
But it was a relatively peaceful place, a melting pot of various Yoruba
groups as well as Nigerians from other parts of the country. When
politicians have allowed it, Ibadan has been quiet.
But the sprawling nature of Ibadan with its huge population of
uneducated youths made it a favourite recruitment spot for politicians
interested in disrupting the peace of the city that combines modernity
with unbelievable rusticity in many parts. There is much truth in the
claim that politicians have a lot to answer for in the volatility of
Ibadan. They align themselves with local chieftains, leaders of the
union of road workers, commercial drivers, who turn their supporters
into ready armies to prosecute the political battles of rival
This group of Ibadan people has enjoyed neither the support nor
patronage of the present governor, Abiola Ajimobi. At least there is
nothing to suggest that. They have been cleared off from their favourite
sites and some of their leaders have been fugitives from the law. For
this reason Ibadan has been at peace. There haven’t been cases of brutal
attacks on rival groups of transport workers and the impunity of touts
running motor parks like their personal estate has stopped.
Things are more organized around and inside the parks and traffic flow
is relatively freer than in the immediate past. But it does appear that
criminals in Ibadan have turned there attention to less obvious
activities. Or it is the people that have not been as vigilant as they
ought to? The slave camp operators have been running their criminal
business for long, it seems.
And but for the inadvertent discovery of their hideout by commercial
bike riders out looking for one of their missing members, the people of
Ibadan couldn’t have been wiser to the abominable activities going on
right under their eyes.
Since the discovery of this camp, there have been more cases of
individuals apprehended with human body parts in different parts of
Ibadan. Some of these traders in human merchandise go about their
business under the pretext of being mentally unbalanced. Which leaves
one wondering what people wouldn’t do just to get by.
Our failure to examine certain aspects of our lives has left loopholes
for criminals to exploit. But for the culture that allows mental
patients to roam around unattended to, some people wouldn’t find it easy
to hide under the cover of madness to commit crimes. When citizens fail
to be alert to their surroundings they invite unspeakable evil upon
But it is worse when political leaders, state officials and others with
important responsibilities to the community, fail in their duties. They
create room for all kinds of criminalities.
Life doesn’t appear to have been cheaper at anytime than now in Nigeria.
Everywhere you turn, everyday, human lives are being wasted without
While the rest of the world have in the last four weeks been wondering
what happened to 239 people aboard a missing Malaysian airline, far more
Nigerians are killed in just a single day. To live in Nigeria has
become a very brutal and nasty experience.
Terrorists widen the latitude of their operations and kill hundreds
across different parts of the north-east, they break jails, set their
comrades free and launch attacks on military formations even after
issuing advance notice of their plan. Fulani herdsmen have been going
around, not with their prodding staff and cattle, but AK 47, explosive
devices and weapons of mass death, sacking villages, maiming and killing
hundreds in their sleep.
Job seekers are crushed to death, government houses and governors’
convoys are not secure- all are open targets.
Now the authorities must quit sitting on their hands and be about their
duties. Nobody is safe anymore. This should tell us all we have to be
vigilant. As for those who think they are safe because they are in
government, the spate of attacks on government houses or places close to
them should tell them we are all in the same boat.
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When you are trying to
get healthy and lose weight, there are certain foods you should avoid.
Most of these food are obvious because they contain ingredients known
to cause weight gain. There are some foods not as obvious and can be
just as bad for you. These foods are a problem because most people do
not know how to avoid them and therefore consume them more often than
they should. Here are five such foods you should never eat again.
White bread
White bread is a local staple but the truth is, it doesn’t have any
nutritional value. It contains a lot of sugar and isn’t as filling as
Substitute your white bread for whole grain or whole wheat bread when
possible. Also substitute bread on your sandwiches with lettuce leaves
or whole grain tortillas.
Fried Foods
Many people only associate fried food with fast food restaurants and do
not realize they also consume them at home. Avoid frying any meal,
consider baking or broiling instead. Fried foods are not nutritious and
can cause blood pressure and cholesterol levels to rise. They can also
cause you to gain weight needlessly.
Cream-based salad dressings
Salads can be very nutritious but can become unhealthy when covered in
cream-based dressings that contain a lot of fat and calories. There can
be more calories in your salad dressing than in the rest of your entire
Try oil-based salad dressings instead. They taste lighter, and have less
White rice
Rice is a common staple but the truth is, white rice can cause your body
to store fat when it doesn’t need to. It also has no nutritional value.
Local rice (Abakaliki) and brown rice is the best option because it is
full of fibre, vitamins and nutrients. It will also keep you satisfied
longer so you are less likely to overeat.
High fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup can quickly cause you to gain weight and even
make you have cravings for more sugar and sugary foods. Overeating
sugary foods and foods that are high in fructose corn syrup can even
lead to diabetes and other health problems. Avoid processed sugars and
opt for fresh fruits and berries.
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When you are trying to
get healthy and lose weight, there are certain foods you should avoid.
Most of these food are obvious because they contain ingredients known
to cause weight gain. There are some foods not as obvious and can be
just as bad for you. These foods are a problem because most people do
not know how to avoid them and therefore consume them more often than
they should. Here are five such foods you should never eat again.
White bread
White bread is a local staple but the truth is, it doesn’t have any
nutritional value. It contains a lot of sugar and isn’t as filling as
Substitute your white bread for whole grain or whole wheat bread when
possible. Also substitute bread on your sandwiches with lettuce leaves
or whole grain tortillas.
Fried Foods
Many people only associate fried food with fast food restaurants and do
not realize they also consume them at home. Avoid frying any meal,
consider baking or broiling instead. Fried foods are not nutritious and
can cause blood pressure and cholesterol levels to rise. They can also
cause you to gain weight needlessly.
Cream-based salad dressings
Salads can be very nutritious but can become unhealthy when covered in
cream-based dressings that contain a lot of fat and calories. There can
be more calories in your salad dressing than in the rest of your entire
Try oil-based salad dressings instead. They taste lighter, and have less
White rice
Rice is a common staple but the truth is, white rice can cause your body
to store fat when it doesn’t need to. It also has no nutritional value.
Local rice (Abakaliki) and brown rice is the best option because it is
full of fibre, vitamins and nutrients. It will also keep you satisfied
longer so you are less likely to overeat.
High fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup can quickly cause you to gain weight and even
make you have cravings for more sugar and sugary foods. Overeating
sugary foods and foods that are high in fructose corn syrup can even
lead to diabetes and other health problems. Avoid processed sugars and
opt for fresh fruits and berries.
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When you are trying to
get healthy and lose weight, there are certain foods you should avoid.
Most of these food are obvious because they contain ingredients known
to cause weight gain. There are some foods not as obvious and can be
just as bad for you. These foods are a problem because most people do
not know how to avoid them and therefore consume them more often than
they should. Here are five such foods you should never eat again.
White bread
White bread is a local staple but the truth is, it doesn’t have any
nutritional value. It contains a lot of sugar and isn’t as filling as
Substitute your white bread for whole grain or whole wheat bread when
possible. Also substitute bread on your sandwiches with lettuce leaves
or whole grain tortillas.
Fried Foods
Many people only associate fried food with fast food restaurants and do
not realize they also consume them at home. Avoid frying any meal,
consider baking or broiling instead. Fried foods are not nutritious and
can cause blood pressure and cholesterol levels to rise. They can also
cause you to gain weight needlessly.
Cream-based salad dressings
Salads can be very nutritious but can become unhealthy when covered in
cream-based dressings that contain a lot of fat and calories. There can
be more calories in your salad dressing than in the rest of your entire
Try oil-based salad dressings instead. They taste lighter, and have less
White rice
Rice is a common staple but the truth is, white rice can cause your body
to store fat when it doesn’t need to. It also has no nutritional value.
Local rice (Abakaliki) and brown rice is the best option because it is
full of fibre, vitamins and nutrients. It will also keep you satisfied
longer so you are less likely to overeat.
High fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup can quickly cause you to gain weight and even
make you have cravings for more sugar and sugary foods. Overeating
sugary foods and foods that are high in fructose corn syrup can even
lead to diabetes and other health problems. Avoid processed sugars and
opt for fresh fruits and berries.
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